Funny story : When I was in first grade, I got a paper back in Math class , and all the answers were circled in red! I had every one wrong!
Actually I had every one right, but I was mixed up.
I had the way the "greater than" sign pointed and the way the "less than" sign pointed backward!
Once I figured out my mistake and wiped my tears and picked up my self-esteem, I was on track to being a good math student once again!
In your relationship ask " Name 2 things you would like to see LESS of or MORE of in our relationship". You may hear that your partner wants more snugging and hand holding, or less complaining. More time for exercise, or less spending money on impulsive online purchases.
Listen and then it is your turn to convey your preferences.
Once you get the Less and More pointing the right direction, you will be closer to getting 100 % on your relationship !
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