As a child, I remember a saying that other kids would recite if someone said something hurtful 

to them. They would say "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me".
It was a way of being "strong" and acting like what they said didn't bother you!
BUT, as we all know, WORDS can HURT. In fact, some of the most poisonous weapons we use against those we are closest to , are choice words that we know will produce a response.
In this question exercise, the question is meant to allow you, as a loving, caring partner, to help your partner be vulnerable to you, or be light-hearted, or deep , as they answer.
Just ask and then listen. You don't need to say anything. Just listen and process their response.
Ask :
How do you feel when you hear the word ______________________?
Maybe you will insert a word like "betrayal", or a word like "tickle" or a word like "advocacy".
You choose the word and listen to how your partner feels.
Remember the words we use conjure up feelings. Choose your words carefully.
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