Describe Your Ideal Day!
The sun comes up, you hear the birds chirping, a cup of coffee in your hand, you stroll down to the lake to sit in solitude as you pray and think. A day of fishing is ahead of you and then a movie with your wife , and you are content with what you think is a perfect day!
The comfy bed envelopes you as you wait until your body is truly ready to get up. Talking for an hour or two with the one you love, and then working on a house project you have been waiting to do just energizes you more than you realized. After a shower and a nice night out on the town, you are happy to call it a perfect day!
Get the idea? No two people are alike in what they think the "ideal day" would be. In fact, what you think is an ideal day NOW, may not be the same as what you may think in a few years, once you have children running the routines of your days and nights. Or what you value and enjoy may change once the kids are grown and you have more time again to yourself.
Contrary to some people's beliefs, people DO change, and so do their preferences, throughout a lifetime. So try to change and grow TOGETHER. Part of that is communicating what the activities and simple pleasures of life are to you. Listen to your spouse. Are they telling you they rate their days on spending time in a certain way, or with certain people? Is there a luxury that they seldom get that would make it ideal for them? Are they longing for time, for experience, for relationship or learning on the day of their dreams?
Most likely, these days won't be able to be lived in the here and now. But maybe a little piece of your loved one's amazing day can become a reality , as you listen and hear , and determine to "Make Their Day" better one day in the future. Sometimes just being listened to and truly heard can make the everyday very ideal indeed!!
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