Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The Parent Factor

Time for Thirty Questions begins with several that are lighthearted and lend themselves to positive conversation.  Our next question is :  What Will You Do the Same and Differently than Your Parents?
I just heard an older woman say that she looks in the mirror and says " Mirror, Mirror on the wall, I've become my mother after all!"
I had to laugh!  We may look like a parent or begin to act and converse like them! Most of us have reservations or downright aversion about acting like our parents when we are young. As we age, sometimes if you have a good parent you may change your mind. But regardless, we will choose to do some things the same and other things very differently.

Will you work or stay home with children? Will you exercise constantly, let yourself go , or something in between? Will you be social or keep to yourself more?  Will you have pets or not? Value time with people or making money? The list goes on.....

When the question is asked, it may take you just a few minutes to think of something. But it will come quite quickly. Sometimes the ways we do NOT want to be like our parents will come to mind very quickly. Also think of something you can emulate. Family life affects our current relationships a great deal. Enjoy talking about the Parent Factor!!

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